Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Download Flash Games From Any Website

I am sure many of you play games online. Most probably these will be single player games. In this post i will tell you how to play these games offline.

Why download these games?

  • Playing online costs you data charges.
  • When your internet is down it leads to lot of brainwash.
  • You can play without connecting to the net (if you don't have internet.)
Crush the Castle 2 - One of my favorite flash games.
Downloading process
  1. Acertain whether you can download it.
    1. Go to the game you wish to download.
    2. Right click it.
    If you see "Adobe Shockwave player" you can't download it. (Although you can download it, but 90% of the times it will not work)Eg.
    If you see "Adode Flash Player", you can download it.
    3. Next thing to check
    -Is there any in game loading..?
    Most games don't have except some in miniclip.
    Once you have ascertained you are ready to go..!
    I 'll be choosing this example.-
  2. Copy game's page's URL1. Go to the game page.
    2. Locate the address bar.
    3. Copy the URL. (In my case it is
  1. Go to
    1. Open a new tab.
    2. Enter address -
    3. In the box next to where URL is written, paste what you have copied. (In my case
    4. Check the box below it which reads-  I have read and agree to the Terms of Service.
    5. Select "Objects".
    6. Click "Get files"
    7. You will see files with "swf" extension.
    8. Right click the file that has more size.
    9. Save target as..-location
    10. Done! Cheers!
  2. Download SWF Opener.
    1. Download SWF opener from this site.-
  3. Enjoy!
    Open the swf file which you have downloaded.
  4. Like this article
    Well you can do this..?


  1. Hi mr.Abhishek i want to download windows 8 please tell me from which site i can download it. please reply fast.

    1. Hello. Go to this site:-
      After following steps, go to this site to activate this windows for free..
